Finished Device Solutions

Raise Your Cost-Effectiveness And Shorten Your Lead Time With Our Finished Device Solutions


We provide complete packaging solutions that are supported by our team of highly knowledgeable packaging experts. We understand that effective packaging is crucial not only for protecting your medical devices but also for ensuring regulatory compliance and enhancing market acceptance.

  1. Provide customized and specific packaging solutions
  2. Compliance with regulatory standards


We understand that every medical device presents unique challenges when it comes to sterilization. That's why we offer tailored solutions to identify the optimal sterilization method for your specific product. Our dedicated team collaborates closely with you to assess your device’s materials, design, and intended use, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

  1. All batches of sterilization are traceable
  2. Process validation for sterilization and sterile barrier systems

Warehouse Management

Our services include comprehensive warehousing and order fulfillment. Advanced inventory control tools allow us to track your inventory precisely and create accurate forecasting models to anticipate future needs. With extensive experience in international shipping, our inventory team is equipped to meet any shipping and handling needs you may have.

  1. Clean and well-maintained warehouse
  2. Proper storage, handling, inventory control, serial number and lot tracking